The African Society in Digital Science
African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics - CARI
Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et en Mathématiques Appliquées (CARI)
23-26 November 2024
camera ready paper due by 26th August 2024
Welcome to the University of Bejaia (Algeria), your host
>> Liste of accepted papers
General informations for participants:
– 1) Frais d’inscriptions / Registration fees:
For Academic Researchers:
– With accommodation: 35000 DA
– Without accommodation: 25000 DA
For PhD Students:
– With accommodation: 25000 DA
– Without accommodation: 15000 DA
Registration « with accommodation » entitles you to access plenary/parallel sessions, a conference Pack, the electronic version of the abstract proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, and full board accommodation from 23/11/2024 evening to 26 /11/2024 morning. The organizing committee will reserve a hotel for authors. This category of registration is for one author per article.
Registration « without accommodation » (Registration soft) entitles you to access to plenary/parallel sessions, a conference Pack, the electronic version of the abstract proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunches
-2) Demandes de visas / Applying for visas
As part of the application for visa to participate in person to the CARI’2024 event, researchers are requested to provide the following documents to the closest Algerian consulat in their country:
– Title and summary of the presentation/communication to CARI’2024,
– Detailed CV of the communicating author,
– Copy of the passport,
– Name of the city of the Algerian consulate where you applied for visa.
In addition, an electronic copy of these documents are to send to the Organizing Committee, as soon as possible so that the University of Bejaia can share these informations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this subject

CONTEXT: CARI, the African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, is the fruit of international cooperation between African, European and international research institutes. Organized every two years since its first edition in Yaoundé in 1992, CARI is more than just a scientific meeting, but a dynamic environment for cooperation that brings together researchers and decision-makers in the fields of computer science and applied mathematics.
The scientific program, which reflects the richness and diversity of research carried out on the African continent in particular, focuses on work likely to contribute to scientific and technological development, environmental awareness and natural resource management.
CARI 2024 is organized under the auspices of ASDS (African Society in Digital Science) in partnership with the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria), the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), the Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD).
CARI 2024 welcomes regular submission papers describing novel results, as well as short papers on work-in-progress and position work.
Meeting you in Bejaia in:
CARI 1992-2024 … 32 years of Scientific Partnership France – Africa
CARI 1992-2024
1992: Yaounde, Cameroon: CARI emerges from an agreement between the University of Yaoundé 1, the United Nations University (UNU) and France’s National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – INRIA). It receives support from the French Ministry for International Development and UNESCO.
1994: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: CARI’s backers define a charter. The French Scientific Research Institute for Cooperative Development (ORSTOM, renamed the Research Institute for Development – IRD in 1988) joins the project. Three research projects have received support (Parallel, SIAD, and VOAR); they will serve as a starting point for more ambitious projects.
1996: Libreville, Gabon: CARI collects three new partners: The French Ministry for Cooperation and Development;The International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM), an international organisation working for the growth of mathematics in developing countries and the CIRAD, a French research centre working with developing countries to tackle international agricultural and development issues.
1998: Dakar, Senegal: The French-speaking Universities Association (AUF, previously AUPELF-UREF) joins the partners. Maghreb countries are wholeheartedly involved in CARI. The European SIMES project (for a multimedia information system for the sub-Saharan environment) is launched. France Telecom provides financial support. UNESCO takes part in CARI.
2000: Antananarivo, Madagascar: France’s Minister for Foreign and European Affairs becomes a partner. Madagascar’s involvement becomes substantial. Camereau project set up (hydro-geology in Cameroon)
2002: Yaounde, Cameroon: Back to our roots in Yaoundé for CARI’s 10th anniversary. Publication of the first edition of the ARIMA journal (African journal of Research into Computer Science and Applied Mathematics).
2004: Tunis, Tunisia: Start-up of the SARIMA project, supporting research activities in computer science and mathematics in Africa, a large-scale project aimed at developing a network of centres of excellence, a balanced cooperation model between northern and southern teams.
2006 Cotonou, Benin: Increased number of research topics, emphasis on scientific computation and emergence of modelling issues.They were 194 submissions, of which 41 have been accepted. Given the important number of approached topics during the conference it appears increasingly desirable to define topics associated with networks sets of themes.
2008 Rabat, Morocco: CARI’s scientific contributions are now split into seven research areas: modelling of complex systems; signal, image and multimedia; scientific computation and parallel processing; artificial intelligence and machine learning; information systems; distributed systems, embedded systems, networks and mobility; formal methods for software engineering.
2010 Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire: The tenth time CARI has been held! First conference since the formation in late 2009 of the International Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (LIRIMA) and the Unit for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Complex Systems (UMMISCO).
2012 Algiers, Algeria: The eleventh edition held at CERIST in Algiers, Algeria 13-to-16th of October 2012. The program was very dense and held in three parallel sessions except for the invited keynotes lectures that were given in plenary sessions.
2014 Saint Louis, Senegal: They were 118 submissions, of which 37 have been accepted.Reviews has decided to include ARIMA Journal in MathSciNets. For the forthcomming editions of CARI the tutorials will be replaced by a Cimpa Research School.
2016 Tunis, Hammamet: This conference was associated with a CIMPA Research School on “Mathematics for Biology”. They were 130 submissions, of which 51 have been accepted.It was decided that to meet the corresponding deadlines the choice of location of a given CARI is taken prior to the preceding edition. The Permanent Committee solicits, selects and supports the teams candidate to the organization of a CARI.
2018 South Africa, Stellenbosch: This fourteenth edition reflects the richness and the diversity of the research undertaken on the African continent with a special emphasis on works related to the development of new technologies, knowledge in environmental sciences and to the management of natural resources, consists of 28 scientific contributions, selected from 100 submissions. It was preceded by a research school on the formal aspects of computing.
2020 Thies, Senegal: This fifteenth edition was entrusted to Thies Polytechnic School. The health crisis linked to the Coronavirus epidemic forced us to move towards an online organization of the conference. The scientific program consists of 36 scientific contributions, selected from 92 submissions, together with 5 invited talks delivered by acknowledged specialists. It was preceded by a research school on “Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence and Applicationto Robotics and Big Data”.
2022 Tunis, Yaoundé & Dschang (Cameroon): This sixteenth edition was organised under the auspices of ASDS (African Society in Digital Science) in partnership with the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria), the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), the Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), the International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM/CIMPA) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). CARI 2022 took place in a mixed format combining face-to-face and online presentations. The sessions took place face-to-face on three separate sites: Tunis for the applied mathematics sessions and Yaoundé and Dschang for the computer science sessions. All presentations where also be broadcast live on a teleconference platform.
University of Bejaia – Algeria
Tunis – Yaoundé – Dschang
Thies – Senegal
Hammamet – Tunisia
Saint-Louis – Senegal
Algiers – Algeria
Yama – Cote d’Ivoires
Rabat – Morocco
Cotonou – Benin